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Use the Matrix calculator to check your Matrix score.


Canberra matrix is a separate points-based system from SkillSelect EOI for the purpose of ACT state nomination for subclass 190 and subclass 491. Note: For Canberra 190 and 491, you must have 60+ on the 189 EOI points PLUS 5 points for ACT 190 nomination OR 15 points for ACT 491 nomination (passing the Canberra matrix will give you 5 points for 190 or 15 points for 491) and be successful with Canberra matrix, talk to us if you are confused.

  1. Length of current ACT residence  

How long have you lived in Canberra in the last eight years?


  • Your bank statements must prove your claimed date of arrival and the claimed period of residence in Canberra.

  • Your residency in Canberra does not have to be continuous.

  • You must record any period away from Canberra (seven days or more) in the ‘Summary of ACT residence’ at Attachment D.

  • Your claimed period of ACT residence does not have to be continuous.

  • You may have holidays away from Canberra for a maximum of six weeks in any year.

  • You can study interstate for one or two days a week. However, if you studied more than two days (one night) a week interstate, you will not be considered an ACT resident for that period.

  • You cannot claim ACT residency for any period that you lived or worked interstate or overseas.

  • You can live in NSW if you are within a 30 minute commute to Canberra e.g., Queanbeyan, Bungendore.

  2. English proficiency  

What is your English proficiency level as defined by Home Affairs?


  • You must meet the Home Affairs requirement for the level of English claimed.

  3. Spouse/Partner English proficiency  

What is your spouse/partner's English proficiency?


  • They must meet the Home Affairs requirement for the level of English claimed or hold an Australian passport.

  4. Nominated occupation  

Is your nominated occupation on the ACT Critical Skills List?​​

  5. Small business owner  

Are you the majority owner (at least 51%) of a registered business located and actively operating in the ACT? You must meet the following minimum criteria:


  • The business activity is in the ACT. Interstate / overseas business activity is not accepted

  • Your business must be profitable.

  • Your business must be paying you the following taxable income:

  • 190 nomination: at least $26,000 in the last six months.

  • 491 nomination: at least $13,000 in the last three months.

  • You must be employing at least one Australian citizen, permanent resident or New Zealand citizen for at least 13 weeks (minimum 20 hrs pw).

  • You may employ one or more employees. The employment does not have to be continuous.

  • The employment must be in accordance with Australian legislation.

  • The employee/s must be resident in Canberra.

  • You MUST provide a statutory declaration confirming the employment and citizenship details for each employee.

  6. Length of ACT employment  

How long have you worked for an ACT employer in Canberra in the last two years?


  • You worked a minimum 20 hours per week for each week claimed towards the period of employment.

  • You may be working in any occupation.

  • You may work for more than one ACT employer and / or be self-employed on an ABN.

  • The employment does not have to be permanent or continuous.

  • If you are claiming any period of self-employment:

    • Your gross (taxable) weekly income must exceed $520 for each week of employment claimed; and

    • Your business must have been operating in Canberra for at least 12 months.

  7. ACT employment - skill level  

Are you currently working for an ACT employer in Canberra in a highly skilled position? You must meet the minimum criteria below:


  • You worked a minimum 20 hours per week for the last three months.

  • Continuous employment: your employment must be continuous for at least 13 weeks.

  • You may work for more than one ACT employer, operate a small business and/or be self-employed if you are working in the same occupation and at the same skill level.

  • Taxable income

    • Employee: no less than $26 per hour (excluding casual loading).

    • Small Business owner: minimum $13,000 income for last three months.

    • Self-employment on an ABN: minimum $520 per week.

  • Any employment claimed must be recorded on your SkillSelect EOI.

  8. Spouse/Partner employment  

Is your spouse / partner currently working in the ACT or surrounding ‘commuter’ region? They must meet the minimum criteria below:


  • They must be working a minimum 20 hours per week for the three months immediately before the date of Matrix submission.

  • Continuous employment: their employment must be continuous for at least 13 weeks.

  • They may work for more than one employer and / or be self-employed.

  • Their employer must provide a Statutory Declaration confirming their employment. See Attachment E.

  • They meet the Home Affairs requirement for ‘competent’ English or hold an Australian passport.

  • If they are self-employed on an ABN:

    • Their gross weekly income exceeds $520 for each week of employment claimed; and

    • Their business has been operating in Canberra for at least 12 months.

Spouse employability

  9. Tertiary qualification  

What tertiary qualification do you hold from an Australian or International educational institution?


  • Your selected qualification must be recorded on your Home Affairs SkillSelect EOI.

  • Any selected international qualification must be equivalent to the Australian Qualification Framework level as determined by the relevant skill assessing body.

  10. Years of study at an ACT tertiary institution  

For how many years did you study fulltime to complete a CRICOS* registered course, and / or attend a Professional Year (PY) program at an ACT tertiary institution in the last eight years?


  • You must have a letter of course completion from the ACT institution to prove the claimed period and location of study.

  • You must be resident in Canberra during your claimed period of study.

  • Distance education or online attendance is not accepted.

  • A PY undertaken in the ACT meets the one-year study criteria.

  • Two or more courses, including a PY, may be counted to prove the period of ACT study. The courses do not have to be continuous. The courses cannot be concurrent.

  11. Close family ties in Canberra  

Do you have a close family member who has lived in Canberra for the last two years?


They must be an Australian citizen/permanent resident.


  • A close family member is defined as a spouse/ partner, child, parent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle or grandparent of the main applicant or their spouse/ partner.

  12. Assets in Canberra  

You (and a spouse/partner if applicable) have invested at least $250,000 cash to purchase a residential or commercial property in Canberra (purchase of land only does not meet this criteria). You must hold the Certificate of Title or rates notice to prove ownership.​

Total Score
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